Upcoming Workshops and Intensives


Our "Overcome!" Intensive is a 3 day experience that investigates the origins of adult dysfunctional behaviors. In this revolutionary educational and experiential workshop participants learn to identify the childhood wounds which fuel adult dysfunction, i.e., depression, anxiety, addictions, eating disorders and relationship difficulties. The focus is not on blaming caregivers; but rather healing the trauma (defined as any less-than-nurturing events). The workshop is based on the groundbreaking work of Pia Mellody and utilizes her treatment model. 

These intensives are very limited in size to maintain effectiveness. Talk to us about them and reserve your spot asap! 

Upcoming Overcome! Dates:

Make your Deposit or learn more about the next intensive by clicking below

Stay Tuned! More workshops to come! Lookout for our growing intimacy series aimed at bringing out the strengths in couples and learning how to resolve conflict and capitalize on each person's unique strengths. Launching Soon!


Dallas Address

Metanoia Counseling Services

18333 Preston Rd.

Dallas Tx 75252


‪(940) 647-4458‬ or (214) 326-0480