Developmental Trauma

What is Developmental Trauma and can it be treated?

Developmental Trauma Disorder (DTD) is a concept that has been proposed to describe the long-term impact of early, chronic, and repetitive trauma on a child's development and psychological well-being. It has gained attention within the field of psychology and psychiatry as a way to understand and address the complex effects of early trauma.

In the early years of life, infants and toddlers need safe, predictable, accessible, and loving caregivers. In this environment the brain is able to develop in a healthy, normal sequence of growth.

The brain develops from the bottom upward. Lower parts of the brain are responsible for functions dedicated to ensuring survival and responding to stress. Upper parts are responsible for executive functions, like making sense of what you are experiencing or exercising moral judgement.

Development of the upper parts depends upon prior development of lower parts. In other words, the brain is meant to develop like a ladder, from the bottom up. When stress responses (typically due to consistent neglect or abuse) are repeatedly activated over an extended period in an infant or toddler, sequential development of the brain is disturbed. The ladder develops, but foundational steps are missing and many things that follow are out of kilter.

Accurate assessment and diagnosis of developmental trauma disorder are crucial for providing appropriate treatment and support to affected children, adolescents and adults.

We use various treatment approaches, including trauma-informed care and evidence-based interventions to help our clients with developmental trauma disorder heal and develop healthier coping mechanisms when treating complex trauma and its consequences they face in life. Trauma-informed care focuses on establishing safety, regulation and self-reflection. Helping you process the hidden traumatic memories and integrate them in a healthy way. Evidence-based interventions such as play therapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy can help you develop healthier responses and coping mechanisms, something we rely on as adults.

We are constantly learning more about developmental trauma and its long lasting effects. It is our responsibility and our passion to provide the necessary support, understanding and care for our patients affected by this life altering condition. We are committed to remaining focused on leading edge treatments, modalities, and working together with you to heal, develop resilience and ultimately lead fulfilling healthy lives.

Please reach out to us and schedule a consultation if any of this sounds relevant to you or a family member or friend. What may look like a learning disability could be easily misdiagnosed. PTSD in adults might be incorrectly blamed for problems coping from developmental trauma. You deserve the right therapy to truly heal. Let us help you find the way.


Dallas Address

Metanoia Counseling Center

18333 Preston Rd.

Dallas Tx 75252

‪(940) 647-4458‬